Many democracies around the world have been in the news lately. Citizens are demanding that their leaders follow the rule of law and uphold democratic ideals—something USAID supports wholeheartedly. “The struggle for democracy … will never be easy,” Administrator Mark Green said in Germany as he marked the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall. “It’s simply right.”
News & Events
Deputy Administrator Bonnie Glick highlighted partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region . The Women's Global Development and Prosperity Initiative announced additional partnerships . And, we’re sending more assistance to help contain Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Digital Feature
In 1984, USAID helped establish a global supply chain for spices from Indonesia, including vanilla, pepper, cloves, and nutmeg. Today, those partnerships have helped 15,000 Indonesian farmers and sent the country’s aromatic flavorings around the world.
Collaborating with USAID
We don’t need to wait for Small Business Saturday next week to celebrate these tiny but mighty entrepreneurs. USAID announced our most successful year for investing in U.S.-based small businesses , awarding approximately $790 million in 2019.
Upcoming Events
In December, USAID will mark several commemorations, including World AIDS Day and Human Rights Day. Keep up with our work on Twitter , Facebook , Instagram , YouTube , Exposure and Medium . And, subscribe to the USAID Leads podcast through your favorite podcast app.
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